LMI Technologies and Liberty Robotics
LMI Technologies acquires Liberty Robotics.
LMI Technologies (LMI) has acquired 3D machine vision solutions provider Liberty Robotics (LR). Known for developing systems that leverage robotic guidance to perform material handling/packaging and logistical tasks, LR is particularly well-established within the automotive industry.
The Michigan-based company is perhaps best known for its VFix and VGuide systems, both of which provide the user with end-of-arm robotic guidance for applications like part handling, coating, and sealers. The solutions also enable automated mono and mixed-case palletising, de-palletising, decanting, and delayering.
“We are thrilled to welcome Liberty Robotics into the LMI family,” said Mark Radford, CEO of LMI Technologies. “This acquisition marks a significant milestone in our strategic growth, expanding our solution-based capabilities in the automotive, packaging and logistics industries. Liberty Robotics brings deep expertise in robot integration with large field-of-view snapshot scanning as well as powerful application-level software, including its industry-leading solutions for vision-based robotic guidance and mixed-case palletisation that perfectly complement LMI's advanced smart 3D sensor technology infrastructure and global market presence.”
Through this acquisition, LMI can leverage LR’s strong presence in North America to expand its global footprint. The 3D scanning and inspection specialists hope to increase its presence in North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe.
Radford concluded, “We see tremendous synergies between LMI and Liberty Robotics. Liberty Robotics' proven technologies and talented team will greatly enhance our ability to deliver integrated, high-value solutions to our customers worldwide. Together, we aim to set new benchmarks in factory automation efficiency and innovation.”
About Liberty Robotics
Established in 2005, Liberty Robotics has worked tirelessly to establish itself as an automation solutions provider within the automotive industry. The Michigan-based company achieved its goal with the release of its VFix and VGuide systems that allow for precise end-of-arm robotic guidance for applications like part handling, coatings, and sealers. The company’s solutions have been adopted by various leading automotive manufacturers across the world.