Biolin Scientific
Biolin Scientific's Theta Flex.
Dyne Testing, an Intertronics brand, now supplies Biolin Scientific’s Attension Theta Flex. The contact angle metre provides reliable and repeatable analysis of wettability and adhesion in research, development, quality, and industrial applications. Compatible with the OneAttension software, the solution provides all contact angle measurement modes, features an easy-to-use interface, and free, unlimited licenses and upgrades.
The Theta Flex is an optical tensiometer that conducts wettability research and offers the flexibility needed in diverse or demanding research settings. The solution can measure surface and interfacial tension between fluids, contact angles between solids and liquids, and analyse surface free energy values. All these measurements are made using only one instrument.
Additionally, the OneAttension software includes pre-defined recipes for easy and fast measurement setup. The free, unlimited licenses also allow the software to feature on multiple computers whilst also keeping the solution up to date.
“Our Theta Optical Tensiometers, combined with OneAttension software, offers the most intuitive user interface with a high level of functionality for various industrial applications,” said Alison Fox, Brand Manager at Dyne Testing. “The instrument’s modular design means you have choices for dispensing systems, and with an optional motorised sample stage and motorised vertical movement, the Theta Flex can function in a fully automated mode, placing drops in predetermined locations on the substrate and measuring the contact angles.”
Further modules enable more capabilities, like the 3D topography module for roughness-corrected contact angle measurements. Or the high-pressure chamber for measurements at pressures of up to 400 bars and temperatures of up to 200°C.
Fox concluded, “Understanding surface energy, contact angle, and wettability can be very important in both product design and process development. You can save money by making the right decisions on substrates and materials and save time in doing so.”
The Theta Flex can be seen at the Intertronics Technology Centre, where engineers can demonstrate how easy it is to accurately measure contact angles.