Guildford Castle
Earlier this week, Manufacturing Quality explored the concept of First Article Inspection (FAI) for the first time, with the help of Verus Metrology Partners and its three-step plan. FAI is an integral element relating to the importance of industrial metrology, as it illustrates why it should be measured on multiple occasions. Of course, machinery is expected to be properly calibrated, accurate, and precise. However, to ensure quality assurance, repeat measurements are recommended.
A key example of the importance of repeatable measurements can be seen when laser measurement technology was used to repeatedly measure Guildford Castle as it was transformed into a tourist attraction with the aid of virtual reality (VR).
About Guildford Castle
Originally established after the Norman Conquest of 1066, Guildford Castle was allegedly built by Williams the Conqueror or potentially one of his barons. However, the Castle doesn't have an official build date, but it is thought to have been constructed in the 12th century after the Domesday Book (as the Castle is not mentioned). Throughout history, the Castle was utilised as a Royal Palace, a prison, and a private residence. The Castle saw its heyday during the reign of King Henry III as one of the most glorious Royal Palaces in England, but the residence fell into disrepair following his death.
Today, only the keep remains as the rest of the buildings were demolished to make way for modern redevelopments.
The LiDAR solution brings the 11th Century castle back to life
Nearly nine hundred years after it was first built, the Castle has been extensively remeasured by Historic VR. The entire ruin and its surroundings were extensively scanned using a FARO Focus S350 LiDAR scanner system, providing millimetre accuracy, which was then registered on FARO's SCENE software before being processed in RealityCapture to create a model. The goal was to not only reproduce the ruin as a virtual model but to give an impression of what it may have looked like back in the 12th century.
The LiDAR system utilises laser scanning technology to provide accurate measurements. During the data capture process, over 16,000 photographs were taken of the Castle's keep, and other structural assets and environmental props. Over 100 LiDAR scans were completed of the site as a whole.
Key features of the FARO Focus S350 LiDAR scanner:
- Scan speed of 97 Hz.
- 165 megapixel colour resolution.
- Angular accuracy of 19 arcsec.
- Ingress Protection (IR) rating for environmental protection.
- Designed to withstand harsh conditions including dust, rain, and fog.
- Outdoor measurements can be wirelessly transmitted to FARO SCENE.

image courtesy of capturingreality.com
the reconstructed interior of Guildford Castle
Largely basing the imagery off the renovation of Dover Castle's interior, a vibrant, digital version of Guildford Castle has been created. You can explore the castle yourself, via a VR headset, for free here.